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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000120SKGB-internsepapublic2014-07-31 16:09
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionmajor reworkETA< 1 month 
PlatformThe WebOSHTTPOS Version1.1
Product Version1.2.2Product Build 
Target Version1.3Fixed in Version1.3 
Summary0000120: SEPA Pre-Notification and Generation of Debit Files
DescriptionThe pre-notifications for SEPA CDD should be generated from inside SKGB-intern to avoid mistakes and reduce workload. The task of sending out many dozen emails all with the correct sum and mandate reference is daunting. Implementing a small email sending app based on email.php and sepa-switch.php should not be a major problem.

However, the need to store UMR and GBetr on the server might well be a problem. The fragile infrastructure around .auth needs to be modified. This is at least somewhat tricky.

Another option would be to introduce some kind of separate data store like MySQL for this data specifically, but having to deal with two different kinds of data sources in the same code seems even more fragile. Hopefully merely adding one table to the existing .auth will be relatively straight-forward. Anyway, given that waiting until 2.0 isn't feasible for this particular issue, we have to take this risk.
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related to 0000119resolvedaj Incremental display of email sending progress 
parent of 0000075resolvedaj mehr Daten speichern 

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