| | | 0000165 | | |
[SKGB-intern] none | feature | resolved | 2017-09-12 | SKGB-intern 1.3.6 |
| |  | 0000164 | | |
[SKGB-offline] gui | feature | resolved (aj) | 2017-01-30 | Online version check |
| |  | 0000163 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2016-07-23 | Charset issues in file name and subject of debit file email |
| |  | 0000162 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | text | resolved (aj) | 2016-07-23 | Improve attachment filename and subject header of debit file email |
| |  | 0000161 | | |
[SKGB-offline] none | feature | acknowledged | 2016-06-02 | option to skip No Mandate exceptions |
| |  | 0000160 | | |
[SKGB-intern] email | minor | confirmed | 2016-03-13 | Correction of illegal MIME types supplied by the User Agent |
| |  | 0000159 | | |
[SKGB-intern] email | minor | resolved (aj) | 2016-02-15 | Verbesserungen am "vereinfachten" Mail-Formular |
| |  | 0000158 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | resolved (aj) | 2016-02-15 | OpenDocument-Export für Stegdienst-App |
| |  | 0000157 | | |
[SKGB-offline] io | major | new | 2015-06-18 | SKGB-offline spuckt CSV aus, das MG nicht lesen will |
| |  | 0000156 | | |
[SKGB-offline] io | major | confirmed | 2016-05-31 | Robust parsing of row separators in CSV |
| |  | 0000155 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved | 2017-09-12 | Notice: Array to string conversion in update |
| |  | 0000154 | | |
[SKGB-Web] setup | major | resolved (aj) | 2015-03-18 | Enforce canonical hostname |
| |  | 0000153 | | |
[SKGB-intern] email | feature | acknowledged | 2015-01-30 | Scheduled emails |
| | | 0000152 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | resolved (aj) | 2015-01-09 | Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus für Stegdienst-App |
| |  | 0000151 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | feature | resolved (aj) | 2015-10-18 | Mitgliedsname in Verwendungszweck erzwingen |
| |  | 0000150 | | |
[SKGB-offline] core | minor | resolved (aj) | 2016-05-31 | accept mandate signature date in old DIN style |
| |  | 0000149 | 1 | |
[SKGB-offline] core | minor | resolved (aj) | 2016-05-31 | Trim data values for more reliable UMR matching |
| |  | 0000148 | 1 | |
[SKGB-offline] gui | text | resolved (aj) | 2017-01-30 | App and Window icons |
| |  | 0000147 | 1 | |
[SKGB-offline] io | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-12-05 | Support for varying CSV formats |
| |  | 0000146 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | minor | confirmed | 2015-10-18 | Change next sequence type while mandate is locked |
| |  | 0000145 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | minor | new | 2014-11-28 | third party account holders with unknown email? |
| |  | 0000144 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | minor | confirmed (aj) | 2015-10-18 | warn before fnal/ooff-debits |
| |  | 0000143 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | major | acknowledged | 2015-10-18 | Locking for mandates used by multiple members |
| |  | 0000142 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | text | new | 2014-11-19 | Semantik von Text "Lastschrift bestätigen" |
| |  | 0000141 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | feature | resolved (aj) | 2015-10-18 | Don't send semicolon separators in email addresses |
| |  | 0000134 | | |
[SKGB-offline] gui | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2016-05-31 | Use last-viewed folder as default location in file open/save boxes |
| |  | 0000133 | | |
[SKGB-offline] gui | feature | resolved (aj) | 2016-05-31 | Sensible default output file name |
| |  | 0000132 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-09-04 | correct FQDN in References's Message-Ids |
| |  | 0000131 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | tweak | feedback (aj) | 2015-09-10 | in Lastschriften Kundenreferenz definiert |
| |  | 0000130 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | acknowledged | 2014-08-31 | Update aus GS-Verein könnte E-Mail-Adressen entfernen |
| |  | 0000128 | 1 | |
[SKGB-offline] none | major | acknowledged (aj) | 2016-06-02 | gutes error-handling |
| |  | 0000127 | 1 | |
[SKGB-offline] gui | minor | resolved (aj) | 2016-05-31 | more helpful error messages |
| |  | 0000126 | | |
[SKGB-offline] none | feature | resolved (aj) | 2017-01-29 | Simple way to obtain the mandate store hash |
| |  | 0000125 | | |
[SKGB-offline] io | minor | new | 2014-12-05 | "key doppelt vorhanden", wenn MutableCvsFile über unnötige leere Spalten rechts am Ende stolpert |
| |  | 0000123 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-09-03 | Briefpostempfänger und E-Mail-Empfänger im selben Auftrag buchbar |
| |  | 0000122 | | |
[SKGB-intern] none | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-29 | Cartography page |
| | | 0000121 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | major | confirmed | 2014-08-31 | Edge cases in GS-Verein data cause severe sync issues for accounts and sepadb |
| |  | 0000120 | | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-31 | SEPA Pre-Notification and Generation of Debit Files |
| |  | 0000119 | | |
[SKGB-intern] email | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-04-30 | Incremental display of email sending progress |
| | | 0000118 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-02-23 | Preview der Stegdienstlisten-App zugänglich |
| |  | 0000117 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-02-19 | fehlerhafte Änderungskennzeichnung im GS-Update |
| |  | 0000116 | | |
[SKGB-intern] email | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Default-Tabellenzeilen in email:confirm wurden nicht korrekt ausgewählt |
| |  | 0000115 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | block | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | import.include logic breaks down in CGI dev environment |
| |  | 0000112 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | update mit unvollständigen Namen fügt Leerzeichen hinzu |
| |  | 0000110 | 1 | |
[SKGB-Web] other | minor | resolved (aj) | 2015-03-18 | Presse-Archiv down |
| |  | 0000109 | 3 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | E-Mail Versenden ignoriert einzelne Empfänger |
| |  | 0000108 | | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | feature | resolved (aj) | 2017-09-12 | Realnamen-Support für neues-kennwort |
| |  | 0000107 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Automatisierung der Änderung von E-Mail-Adressen per GS-Update korrigieren |
| |  | 0000106 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | user name web form accepts uppercase chars |
| |  | 0000105 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Mails senden mit edit-Rechten in vs nicht möglich |
| | | 0000104 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | confirmed | 2014-04-30 | Dateiupload (à la Gerd) |
| |  | 0000103 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | minor | resolved (aj) | 2011-05-29 | E-Mails kommen nicht beim Versender an |
| |  | 0000102 | 1 | |
[SKGB-Web] setup | major | resolved (aj) | 2010-12-06 | Hochgeladene Dateien werden nicht in /upload gespeichert |
| |  | 0000101 | 5 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Vollautomatische Änderungen am Mailserver |
| |  | 0000100 | | |
[SKGB-Web] template | minor | acknowledged (aj) | 2010-12-06 | "Ältere Artikel" im Archiv führt zu 404 |
| |  | 0000099 | | |
[SKGB-intern] email | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-01-05 | Große Anhänge machen Probleme |
| |  | 0000098 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | neue Nutzer nicht unkontrolliert allen Realms hinzufügen |
| |  | 0000097 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Gruppenname nicht als Realm in htdigest verwenden |
| |  | 0000096 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | feature | resolved | 2014-07-20 | Automatischer Versand von E-Mails |
| |  | 0000095 | | |
[SKGB-Web] template | tweak | confirmed (aj) | 2010-03-12 | Weißraum optimieren |
| |  | 0000094 | 1 | |
[SKGB-Web] core | tweak | confirmed (aj) | 2010-10-21 | allgemein/Neuigkeiten-Semantik umdrehen |
| |  | 0000093 | | |
[SKGB-Web] core | minor | confirmed (aj) | 2010-10-21 | Post-Anzahl auf Kategorie-Frontseiten zu groß |
| |  | 0000092 | | |
[SKGB-Web] setup | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-12 | keine ErrorDocuments |
| |  | 0000091 | 1 | |
[SKGB-Web] template | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-11 | Automatischer 307 ins Archiv klappt bei /links nicht |
| |  | 0000090 | | |
[SKGB-Web] other | crash | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-11 | Bilder im Archiv gehen nicht mehr |
| |  | 0000089 | | |
[SKGB-Web] template | minor | acknowledged (aj) | 2010-03-11 | Letzte Seite bei "Ältere Artikel" ist leer bei verborgenen Artikeln |
| |  | 0000088 | 4 | |
[SKGB-Web] other | major | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-11 | RSS-Abo in Thunderbird nicht möglich |
| |  | 0000087 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2015-10-18 | Kennwortänderung solle diesen Nutzer aus den Tickets löschen |
| |  | 0000086 | | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | major | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-14 | tickets might be pruned even though they are valid |
| |  | 0000085 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Anpassung des GS-Verein-Updates an Export-Funktion |
| |  | 0000084 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Anführungszeichen im E-Mailtext werden verunstaltet |
| |  | 0000083 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | mehrere Mail-Attachments sollten möglich sein |
| |  | 0000080 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Vorstandsbereich: Gruppen-Rechte-Synchronisierung |
| |  | 0000079 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | minor | resolved (aj) | 2009-10-16 | Ungültige Ticket-IDs beim mehrmaligen Anfordern eines Kennwortes |
| |  | 0000078 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Neue Nutzer werden unkontrolliert allen htgroups hinzugefügt |
| |  | 0000077 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | feature | resolved | 2014-07-20 | block deleted user names |
| |  | 0000076 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | GS-Verein-Update kommt nicht mit fehlerhaften EIngabedaten klar |
| |  | 0000075 | 5 | |
[SKGB-intern] sepa | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-31 | mehr Daten speichern |
| |  | 0000074 | | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | minor | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-14 | neue Kennwörter für nicht existierende Nutzer |
| |  | 0000073 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2009-10-15 | users with empty common names can be created |
| |  | 0000072 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2009-10-15 | PHP error message visible in email forward text field |
| |  | 0000071 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | trivial | resolved | 2014-07-20 | Table names suboptimal |
| |  | 0000070 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | text | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Change wording to not suggest user failure on neues-kennwort |
| |  | 0000069 | 3 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2010-09-25 | Deleting a user doesn't remove their htdigest entry |
| |  | 0000067 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | ADMIN user can set their own rights to NONE |
| |  | 0000066 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-14 | SPAM in userrights after creating new user |
| |  | 0000065 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | New users are created with incorrect Digest realm |
| |  | 0000061 | | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | minor | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-06 | pwtickets always contains user/password combo in clear |
| |  | 0000060 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Geschützter Vorstands-Bereich |
| |  | 0000059 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | block | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-04 | Content inaccessible for unintended SCRIPT_NAME values |
| |  | 0000057 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | feature | resolved | 2017-09-12 | Confirmation page on new password confirm |
| |  | 0000056 | | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Erzeugte Kennwörter bestehen aus Hex-Zahlen |
| |  | 0000055 | 5 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Import von Daten aus GS-Verein |
| |  | 0000054 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | major | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-06 | ADMIN-Nutzer erlangt RULE-Rechte |
| |  | 0000050 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | feature | resolved | 2014-07-20 | Bearbeiten von Realms |
| |  | 0000049 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | feature | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-14 | Anlegen von Realms mit gleichem Namen |
| | | 0000048 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | major | resolved (aj) | 2014-01-05 | htdigest-Korrumption bei pwticket-Abholung |
| |  | 0000046 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | text | resolved (aj) | 2005-11-10 | Verwendungshinweis an Standergrafiken anbringen |
| |  | 0000044 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted für "Änderung" der E-Mail-Weiterleitung |
| | | 0000043 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] none | major | resolved | 2010-04-11 | (1.1) |
| |  | 0000042 | | |
[SKGB-intern] account | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2005-11-10 | Vorname als Sortierschlüssel in Nutzerlisten |
| |  | 0000041 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] email | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-01-05 | E-Mail-Versenden |
| |  | 0000040 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | crash | resolved (aj) | 2005-11-10 | Alle /digest-Unterseiten werden nicht geladen |
| |  | 0000037 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | minor | resolved (aj) | 2014-07-20 | Sehr unpraktische Benutzerschnittstelle |
| |  | 0000036 | 3 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | major | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-06 | Ändern von Nutzern erzeugt leere Digest-Einträge |
| |  | 0000033 | | |
[SKGB-intern] other | tweak | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-14 | Zu viele RTF-Dateien |
| |  | 0000032 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | resolved (aj) | 2014-01-05 | print-CSS |
| |  | 0000031 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] neues-kennwort | minor | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-06 | skgb-pwtickets wird nicht geprunet |
| |  | 0000030 | 2 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | feature | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-06 | Verbesserung der Dateilisten |
| |  | 0000029 | 3 | |
[SKGB-intern] other | minor | resolved (aj) | 2006-03-06 | Eigene HTTP-Fehlerseiten |
| |  | 0000028 | 1 | |
[SKGB-intern] account | text | resolved (aj) | 2010-03-14 | i18n/l10n |