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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000126SKGB-offlinenonepublic2017-01-29 23:29
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETAnone 
Product VersionProduct Build 
Target Version0.6Fixed in Version0.6 
Summary0000126: Simple way to obtain the mandate store hash
DescriptionAt present the mandate store hash is printed to stdout each time a mandate store is loaded. Preparing a new mandate store file therefore requires checking stdout to obtain the hash, which is a terrible approach for a GUI app. The (calculated) mandate store hash should instead be displayed in the GUI some place. A modifier-click on some otherwise function-less GUI item might work (e. g. the version number).
Additional InformationThis functionality is currently only required by a user working on OS X, therefore this option can be hidden on other OSs for the time being in order not to confuse users who don't know about it.
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