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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000141SKGB-internemailpublic2015-10-18 23:46
Assigned Toaj 
ProjectiontweakETA> 1 month 
PlatformThe WebOSHTTPOS Version1.1
Product Version1.3.1Product Build2014-09-28 
Target Version1.3.3Fixed in Version1.3.3 
Summary0000141: Don't send semicolon separators in email addresses
DescriptionCertain non-compliant software (e. g. MS Outlook) use ";" for separation of email addresses instead of "," as required by RFC 5322. Email addresses use ";" along with ":" for group definition, which we don't use; separation of multiple single addresses both within and without groups is done with a comma (",").

It shouldn't be difficult to have SKGB-intern replace unescaped semicolons that aren't preceded by colons (a construct that would not be in compliance with the Internet Message Address Specification) with commas. ("Do What I Mean")
Steps To Reproducewrong:;
Additional Information

The behaviour of Outlook (among some other clients) is forbidden by the IETF specification. The SKGB-intern behaviour suggested in this issue would be permissible.
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aj (manager) rejects incoming mail with such malformed adresses in the Reply-To field, a behaviour that is probably a violation of the RFC, too


aj (manager)

As of 1.3.3 the user is presented with an error message if Reply-To or From contain colons or semicolons. That behaviour solves this issue at the (quite neglegible) cost of no longer supporting group syntax.