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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000150SKGB-offlinecorepublic2016-05-31 15:32
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETA< 1 month 
Product Version0.4Product Build 
Target Version0.5Fixed in Version0.5 
Summary0000150: accept mandate signature date in old DIN style
DescriptionWhen editing a mandate store file with a German-language spreadsheet application the signature dates may be automatically converted from DIN EN ISO 8601 (1999-01-31) to the old national DIN format (31.1.1999). Since Mandate.signatureDateParsed doesn't expect that, it will always fail and report an IllegalStateException.

Given that the rationale for using the CSV format is precisely the option to edit it with Excel, SKGB-offline must accept DIN dates as well.
Additional InformationNot sure if IllegalStateException is suitable in the first place.

This doesn't affect the signature hash code as an unmodified mandate store will always be in ISO format anyway.
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