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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000156SKGB-offlineiopublic2016-05-31 15:31
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Projectionmajor reworkETAnone 
PlatformWindowsOSJavaOS Version7
Product Version0.3Product Build2014-03-31 
Target Version0.7Fixed in Version 
Summary0000156: Robust parsing of row separators in CSV
DescriptionCSV files being plain-text files, they may for various reasons have improper line breaks. For use with SKGB-offline CSV files should be generated using Windows lienbreaks 0x0d0a. Tests have shown that some other line breaks cause fatal errors. We consider this a bug in the CSV parser code, which probably needs to be rewritten from scratch.
Steps To ReproduceUse 0x0d0d0a for line breaks in a debit file always triggers the bug.

For a real-life example see ~/SKGB/SEPA/offline data/Tests
Additional InformationWorkaround for cases in which this issue is introduced by mailing a plain-text CSV file: ZIP the CSV file before mailing it.
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