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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000161SKGB-offlinenonepublic2016-06-02 20:32
Assigned To 
Projectionmajor reworkETA> 1 month 
Product Version0.5Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000161: option to skip No Mandate exceptions
DescriptionPlain out refusing to work with debit files when just a single mandate is missing isn't very helpful. We should offer to skip past such exceptions rather than bailing out immediately.
Additional InformationWorkaround 1: Do a "dry run" before the real thing. Such errors will then surface early and you'll avoid the issue altogether.

Workaround 2: Manually edit the debit file in any text editor to remove the offending row. Excel should really work too, but is untested and therefore unsupported at this time.
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child of 0000128acknowledgedaj gutes error-handling 

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