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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000164SKGB-offlineguipublic2017-01-30 00:31
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETA2-3 days 
PlatformMac OS XOSJavaOS Version8
Product Version0.5Product Build 
Target Version0.6Fixed in Version0.6 
Summary0000164: Online version check
DescriptionThe app should automatically check whether it is up-to-date and offer to download an update if it isn't.
Additional InformationIn principle we want to simply imitate iCab's approach. However, the most obvious choice would be an URL on, so we need to make sure that Java's known issues with SSL connections doen't cause problems here. A reasonable interim solution would appear to be to use a URL that is then redirected to the actual URL for the version check.
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