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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000061SKGB-internneues-kennwortpublic2006-03-06 00:27
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETAnone 
PlatformApple PowerBook G4OSMac OS XOS Version10.4.3
Product Version1.0.1Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version1.1 
Summary0000061: pwtickets always contains user/password combo in clear
DescriptionThe user/password combination is spawned immediately after requesting the ticket and stored in the pwtickets file. If the ticket is never claimed, the user/password combo could be abused by an attacker with access to the pwticket. The user/password combo should only be added to the file after the user received it to minimize the risk period.
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child of 0000043resolved (1.1) 

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