Anonymous Login

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000065SKGB-internaccountpublic2014-07-20 20:51
Assigned Toaj 
PriorityhighSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformWWWOSiCabOS Version3.0b
Product Version1.1Product Build0.17.1 
Target Version1.1.8Fixed in Version1.1.7 
Summary0000065: New users are created with incorrect Digest realm
DescriptionA newly created user was created in the htdigest file with an incorrect Digest realm (the group ID instead of the realm string).

In particular, the user's line in htdigest looked like *****:skgb:* when it should have been *****:SKGB-intern:*
Additional InformationCould this also be a problem on password changes? That's be serious. Need to investigate!
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duplicate of 0000097resolvedaj Gruppenname nicht als Realm in htdigest verwenden 



aj (manager)

Probably isn't a major issue for SKGB-intern since neues-kennwort creates a new htdigest entry automatically when the ticket is claimed. For SKGB-intern, the only impact of this issue is SPAM in htdigest that doesn't contain the actual digest.

Security considerations: None.


aj (manager)

Unable to reproduce. Needs more testing.