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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000086SKGB-internneues-kennwortpublic2010-03-14 21:23
Assigned Toaj 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformWWWOSiCabOS Version4.2
Product Version1.1.6Product Build 
Target Version1.1.7Fixed in Version1.1.7 
Summary0000086: tickets might be pruned even though they are valid
DescriptionValid tickets might be pruned by __pruneTickets() when the function is called without valid arguments. This might happen when reading the file unexpectedly fails, but writing succeeds.
Steps To Reproduce$ chmod a=w skgb-pwtickets
Additional InformationProperly following Postel's law in __pruneTickets() should immediately fix this issue.
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