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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000118SKGB-internotherpublic2014-02-23 06:55
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionmajor reworkETA2-3 days 
PlatformThe WebOSHTTPOS Version1.1
Product Version1.2.2Product Build1.1.8g 
Target Version1.3Fixed in Version1.3 
Summary0000118: Preview der Stegdienstlisten-App zugänglich
DescriptionIm Vorstandsbereich ist jetzt die Stegdienst-App im Menü zugänglich. Import/Export funktioniert, man kann also durchaus produktiv damit arbeiten. Die Funktionalität ist allerdings noch eingeschrä˜kt, und ein systematisches Testen fand nicht statt.
Additional Information631 by aj3, 06:12

Really really sweeping changes to the Stegdienst app!

They're too numerous to list them all. Basically, the app is now fully usable for 2014. Import/Export is implemented and seems to work great, there has been further UI clean-up, more strategies have been implemented, a number of bugs fixed (particularly the nasty "ghost row" issue that prevented more than one suggestion in the same session), and most warnings are implemented. All in all we're ready for the public preview!

However, there are still a number of serious problems that prevent starting work on the Monte Carlo engine. In particular we have no grading scheme so we don't really have any way to compare the results with each other. But to implement that would likely mean significant changes to the internals, possibly a complete rework. Remember that this was mostly a research project up until now. Now that we're just about ready for production we may have to redesign some parts. Pity! :)

Added /skgb-intern/trunk/digest/vorstand/stegdienst/icons/trash.png
Added /skgb-intern/trunk/digest/vorstand/stegdienst/icons/ui-bg_glass_75_adadad_1x400.png
Modified /skgb-intern/trunk/digest/vorstand/stegdienst/stegdienst.html
Modified /skgb-intern/trunk/digest/vorstand/stegdienst/stegdienst.js
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related to 0000152resolvedaj Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus für Stegdienst-App 

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