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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000115SKGB-internotherpublic2014-07-20 20:45
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETA< 1 day 
Product Version1.1.9Product Build2014-01-03 
Target Version1.2Fixed in Version1.2 
Summary0000115: import.include logic breaks down in CGI dev environment
Description- PHP_BASE is outrageous
- SCRIPT_FILENAME is unavailable
- DOCUMENT_ROOT is unavailable
- HOME_DIR is a horrible kludge, but at least dependable on these specific machines...
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aj (manager)

Not so much a fix as another sad kludge:
symlinked .lib to skgb.intern and modified all scripts to use import rather than include for skgb.include

WARNING: application is now NO LONGER PORTABLE to any other machine!!
(unless there is a willingness to modify its root)

The good news is that this ought not to be a problem factor in the sunset phase of the red-legacy framework.