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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000127SKGB-offlineguipublic2016-05-31 15:34
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETAnone 
Product Version0.3Product Build 
Target Version0.5Fixed in Version0.5 
Summary0000127: more helpful error messages
DescriptionThe error messages are often just techno-babble and appear very late, decreasing ease of use for no reason.
Steps To ReproduceFor example, semantic errors in the mandate store are only reported after both an input and an output file have been specified. After correcting the error, the user have to specifiy all three files before they know whether or not they did it right. Mandate store errors should instead be reported immediately after loading the mandate store, while fatal debit file errors should be reported before specifying an output file.
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related to 0000128acknowledgedaj gutes error-handling 



aj (manager)

as of 0.5 error messages are still not perfect, but much better