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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000149SKGB-offlinecorepublic2016-05-31 15:33
Assigned Toaj 
Projectionminor fixETAnone 
Product VersionProduct Build 
Target Version0.5Fixed in Version0.5 
Summary0000149: Trim data values for more reliable UMR matching
DescriptionManual editing of the mandate store may be necessary at times. It's rather easy to mangle the format, say by leaving an extra space after the UMR (or other fields, for that matter, but the UMR is probably the one with the biggest immediate impact).

Values should be sensibly parsed and validated, at the very least trimmed before being used for matching inside SKGB-offline.
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child of 0000128acknowledgedaj gutes error-handling 



aj (manager)

all values are now trimmed (except for cells containing nothing but whitespace, which improves support for certain CSV readers)