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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000163SKGB-internsepapublic2016-07-23 14:09
Assigned Toaj 
PrioritynormalSeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
ProjectiontweakETA< 1 day 
PlatformThe WebOSHTTPOS Version1.1
Product Version1.3.4Product Build2016-07-23 
Target Version1.3.5Fixed in Version1.3.5 
Summary0000163: Charset issues in file name and subject of debit file email
DescriptionPHP doesn't support Unicode. Strings are made up of bytes, not characters. If a string is capped at a certain length, as is the case for the debit file name from which the email subject is derived, a UTF-8 character may be corrupted.
Steps To Reproducesee Z5QCA562H4G/7231159
Additional Informationsee

The solution seems to be to convert all input to ASCII at the earliest opportunity.
TagsNo tags attached.
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related to 0000162resolvedaj Improve attachment filename and subject header of debit file email 

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