Anonymous Login

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000066SKGB-internaccountpublic2010-03-14 21:17
Assigned Toaj 
PlatformWWWOSiCabOS Version3.0b
Product Version1.1Product Build0.17.1 
Target Version1.1.5Fixed in Version1.1.5 
Summary0000066: SPAM in userrights after creating new user
DescriptionCreating a new user creates some appearantly superfluous "none" entries in userrights. Could this behaviour be removed please.
Additional Information0000054 is CONFIRM FIXED
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related to 0000080resolvedaj Vorstandsbereich: Gruppen-Rechte-Synchronisierung 



aj (manager)

Security Considerations:

Entries of "none" in userrights yield proper rights in PHP modules actually referring to the database to determine the user's rights, thus "none" entries do not pose a security risk in theirselves, but are merely a nusiance. However, since access control is primarily determined by Apache's htdigest list, the entry of "none" could lead to misunderstandings of access restrictions in some cases.

Additional Information:

This issue only occurs for newly created users. The modification appears to work correctly AFAICT.