Anonymous Login

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000067SKGB-internaccountpublic2014-07-20 20:51
Assigned Toaj 
PlatformWWWOSiCabOS Version3.0b
Product Version1.1Product Build0.17.1 
Target Version1.1.7Fixed in Version1.1.7 
Summary0000067: ADMIN user can set their own rights to NONE
DescriptionAn ADMIN user is able to set themself back to NONE rights, effectively locking them out of the system. *If* this is possible at all, there should at least be a serious warning.
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aj (manager)

An admin should be able to reduce her own rights. However, there should be a warning as it's not likely she will be able to set it up again herself, so this is a non-reversible action (just as a delete would be and thsu should have an alert).