Anonymous Login

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000072SKGB-internaccountpublic2009-10-15 23:00
Assigned Toaj 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformWWWOSiCabOS Version3.0b
Product Version1.1Product Build0.17.1 
Target Version1.1.5Fixed in Version1.1.5 
Summary0000072: PHP error message visible in email forward text field
Descriptionon account?state=modifyuser, the following PHP error message is visible in the email forward text edit field:#

Undefined index: <username> in /Users/arne/Sites/de.skgb.intern/digest/account.php on line 411
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aj (manager)

apparently empty forwards are not actually written into the database