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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000121SKGB-internsepapublic2014-08-31 14:29
Assigned To 
StatusconfirmedResolutionwon't fix 
Projectionmajor reworkETAnone 
PlatformThe WebOSHTTPOS Version1.1
Product Version1.3Product Build2014-07-20 
Target VersionFixed in Version1.3 
Summary0000121: Edge cases in GS-Verein data cause severe sync issues for accounts and sepadb
DescriptionWhen a user account or a member entity is (supposed to be) created or deleted while an entry in sepadb already exists for that particular user, the update is either not applied or applied incorrectly.
Steps To Reproduce- add email address to a snail mail recipient in GS-Verein, then do an update
=> user account is not created, email is removed from but name not added to sepadb (0x1004), creating a sepadb inconsistency
=> WITH reset: two updates with same EXPORT.txt required (0x0_05 + 0x0_04), but old SeqType isn't removed from separun, which creates the need for manual intervention in sepa-db-edit

- remove email address from member in GS-Verein, then do an update
=> user account is deleted (0x1006) and the member is added to sepadb (may require second update), but one row stays perpetually in DELETE action (0x0002)
=> user account is deleted and the member is added to sepadb (two updates required, 0x1_06 + 0x1_0C), but old SeqType isn't removed from separun

- remove member in GS-Verein, then do an update
=> user account is deleted (0x0002), but the member stays perpetually in DELETE action (0x0002) because the member isn't removed from sepadb
=> WITH reset: (works as intended), but old SeqType isn't removed from separun

- add new member in GS-Verein, then do an update
=> (works as intended, although two updates are required)
Additional Informationworkaround:
(1) reset / DROP sepadb (while retaining separun)
(2) apply update twice
(3) use sepa-db-edit to check SeqType, fix where necessary

problems with that:
- SeqType may have to be changed for certain members; workaround: make sure these cases are handled separately, i. e. don't do a reset by default
- in particular, SeqType is set to 'frst' if the mandate isn't known in sepadb
=> new flag to not modify separun at all

- update may fail to match new user account to old separun entry; workaround: manual correction using sepa-db-edit
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related to 0000130acknowledged Update aus GS-Verein könnte E-Mail-Adressen entfernen 



aj (manager)

Last edited: 2014-07-20 17:57

View 2 revisions

BTW, the SEPA columns in update check seem to be messed up when a member is removed in GS-Verein: debit and ibancheck and gbetrag are still in col GS-Verein, while only mandate is in col intern

also BTW: action 0x___5 is obviously wrong for adding accounts


aj (manager)

Is perhaps 0000130 merely a symptom of this problem?